What is GMIS?

The National Science Foundation (NSF) of Sri Lanka is the premier institution dedicated to promoting and funding scientific research and innovation in the country. Established to foster the advancement of science and technology, the NSF supports researchers and institutions through grants, scholarships, and collaborative initiatives. The foundation plays a crucial role in driving scientific discovery, technological advancements, and socio-economic development in Sri Lanka.

Efficient grant management is vital for the NSF to achieve its mission of supporting high-quality research and innovation. Traditionally, the management of grants has involved manual processes, paper-based documentation, and fragmented data systems, leading to inefficiencies, delays, and challenges in monitoring and reporting. To address these issues, the NSF aims to develop and implement a Grant Management Information System (GMIS).

The GMIS is envisioned as a comprehensive digital platform that will streamline the entire lifecycle of grant management, from application submission to project completion and reporting. This system will enhance transparency, improve efficiency, and provide real-time data for decision-making.

Grant Schemes


Scientific Divisions


NSF Committees




Grant Applications


Ongoing Grants


Our Grant Schemes


Competitive Research Grant Scheme

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is mandated to generate, disseminate and transfer knowledge ensuring its effective utilization for the greater benefit of the people of Sri Lanka. The R & D grant schemes seek to foster the formation of multi-disciplinary teams to conduct cutting-edge research and development projects that are of relevance to Sri Lanka and society.


Technology Development Grants

The aim of this scheme is to take research outputs beyond the laboratory scale by assisting three target groups of people belonging to different sectors to conduct projects of experimental development focusing on encouraging universities and research institutes to conduct projects leading to technology-driven innovations (TDI), based on existing knowledge gained from basic and applied research not confining research output limiting to laboratory scale, and strengthening capacity and capability of non-state sector companies (small, medium and large)to conduct activities directed to producing globally/regionally competitive new materials, products or devices, installing new processes, systems, and services, or to improving substantially those already produced or installed and become active partners in the innovation process.



International Collaborative Research Programmes

This programme is specially designed to develop International Research collaborations between Sri Lankan and International Research Institutions to stimulate information exchange to advance science and technology and to meet global standards in research. Through collaborative research programmes, a synergistic effect, magnified R&D outputs with greater scientific, social & economic impact are sought by such means as sharing resources and research facilities.


International Partnership for Science & Technology Programme

The International Partnerships for Science and Technology (IPSAT), is a programme to obtain services of high calibre scientists and technologists working abroad. It is directed at promoting international research collaborations, technology transfer, and at obtaining expertise towards developing a globally-engaged community of scientists and technologists in Sri Lanka. The Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy of Sri Lanka has also identified IPSAT as a key strategy programme for human resource development for research innovations & allied service.


National Thematic Research Programme

The National Science Foundation (NSF), which believes in multidisciplinary and collaborative research to address national needs and to drive the national research system to produce well defined outputs that will benefit the intended end users, initiated the National Thematic Research Programme (NTRP) where the themes are decided as per the national priorities. In this Programme the NSF adopts a new approach, where the NSF itself identifies the research problems and invite research groups who have demonstrated their capability in conducting research successfully over the years to carry out research on these identified research problems.


Gap-Filling Grant Scheme

The NSF supports R & D activities of Sri Lankan scientists in all fields of Science & Technology, the output and outcomes of which will ultimately benefit the Sri Lankan society. Accordingly, the GapF grants facilitate and encourage scientists to carry out further research of high standard preferably with collaboration with the industry sector, targeting commercialization. The main objective of this scheme is to support further research of NSF funded completed grants with commercial potential to achieve a higher technology readiness level or to develop a product or a process with commercial value.


Spare parts for Research Equipment grants

To ensure Sri Lanka remains competitive in global science and technology research, it is crucial to establish laboratories with modern infrastructure. This initiative aims to support universities and R&D institutions by providing funds for the purchase of necessary spare parts for the repair and maintenance of research equipment. By addressing equipment maintenance needs, this scheme facilitates uninterrupted research and experimental development, ultimately contributing to the socio-economic development of Sri Lanka.


Research Equipment Grant

Laboratories with modern infrastructure facilities for research are needed to be in par with the global S & T research. This schemes will assist the acquisition of equipment for research that is generally too costly to be purchased by the Research Institutions and Universities. Objectives are to facilitate and support infrastructure development in University and Research Laboratories and maintain the smooth functioning of R & D activities, thereby establishing a sustainable and viable research culture in Sri Lanka and to form collaborative research teams and share equipment with other researchers and Departments/Divisions in R & D Institutes/Universities


Support Scheme for Scientific Meetings & Events

This scheme supports scientific events in order to communicate research data and results to a wider audience nationally and internationally. Basic support is provided for printing proceedings and providing course material. 


Research Scholarships

The NSF Postgraduate Research Scholarship scheme is implemented in order to increase the number of postgraduate research studies conducted by Sri Lankan graduates at local Universities. It is also intended to attract and encourage graduates from recognized Universities to conduct fulltime research leading to postgraduate research degrees and to encourage them to take up careers related to research.

The NSF Research Scholarship scheme was initiated with the specific objective of encouraging young and outstanding graduates to conduct postgraduate research leading to MPhil or PhD. This scheme will assist in providing financial support to graduates to conduct full time research (within Sri Lanka) leading up to 3 years for MPhils or PhDs.


Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

This grant scheme provides an opportunity for scientists/ engineers with recent Ph.D. or equivalent qualifications to carry out full-time research within the country for up to 2 years. These grants are awarded in all fields of Science & Technology after a comprehensive evaluation by the NSF. Applicants should have evidence of excellent research achievements and strong recommendations from two referees. An academic or researcher with a permanent position should be included as a Co-investigator and who is willing to complete the project, in any case, the Postdoctoral Research Scientist fails to do so.


Science Education and Popularization Programme

The scheme provides financial assistance for programmes organized by Schools and University Science Societies registered with NSF, and programmes organized by reputed scientific institutes registered with STMIS targeting school and university community. Programmes will be considered in two major categories as Science Education Programmes and Science Popularization Programmes.


Support Scheme for Publication Fees

This scheme supports publication fees of research articles of Sri Lankan authors in high-impact indexed journals, enabling dissemination of research results for greater visibility. 


International Travel Grant

The requests for NSF support for overseas travel to attend scientific meetings/conferences are considered on the basis of three geographical regions. (i.e. SAARC, Asia- Pacific and Africa-America-Europe regions). Only resident Sri Lankan scientists and technologists are eligible to apply. Every application requires a strong recommendation from the Head of the Institute and should be linked to an on-going R&D activity.


Overseas Special Training Programme

Recognizing that scientific knowledge and its applications are central for national development at all levels, the National Science Foundation in alignment with the National Science Technology and Innovation Strategy has introduced the Overseas Special Training Programme (OSTP) to financially assist scientific and technical personnel, (science administrators, science educators, S&T policy makers & science communicators) as well as full time research students to acquire overseas training up to 12 months.


Overseas Science Education Programme

OSEP is to provide an international exposure on trends in modern science, technology, research and innovation to Sri Lankan school children, teachers (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; STEM) and University Undergraduates in order to upgrade and improve their knowledge on science, technology and innovation to face the challenges of the modern world by providing financial assistance.

Ongoing Research & Technology Grants

Synthesis of organo-mineral enriched biochar as fertilizer and nemato -repellent to enhance soil nutrient cycling, yield and quality of organic export root crops ginger and turmeric

Mapping of salinity development in paddy grown soils using proximal and remote sending based techniques

Profiling of risks associated with veterinary drug residues in animal feed and food of animal origin to ensure consumer safety.

Value addition to chicken egg with enrichment egg yolk lipids with natural Conjugated Linoleci Acid (CLA) having anti-cancer actions & subsequent commercialization of the value-added product.

Enrichment mechanisms of CKDu-risk factors in groundwaters, their uptake pathways and potential remedies

Assessment of aquifer quality in relation to chronic kidney disease with unknown aetiology in dry zone of Sri Lanka through an integrated approach using isotopes and water chemistry

Design and development of a decision support system to reconfigure fruit and vegetable supply chain to enhance the food security

Investigating the role of Dengue NS1 protein in potentiating Dengue virus infection in uninfected cells by inducing changes in the host plasma membrane proteome

Design, Development and Modeling of a Thermo-Acoustic generator for low grade heat recovery

Design and development of a decision support system to reconfigure fruit and vegetable supply chain to enhance the food security

Taxonomic study of the Sri Lankan species, belonging to Family Elaeocarpaceae

Purification of Graphite of Sri Lanka as a high value addition

Preparation of cost-effective synthetic skin grafts for the treatment of burns and chronic ulcer wounds: bioactivity directed investigation of angiogenic and cell-migration potentials of plant extracts.

Identifying colorectal cancer specific autoantibodies and their role in diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of colorectal cancer. 

Dengue transmission intervention using lure-based adult suction traps and gravid Aedes traps (GAT): A cluster randomized trial approach in Jaffna municipal area.

Novel urinary biomarkers for early detection of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Aetiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka 

Comparative Analysis of Climate-Resilient Biodiversity of Homegarden ecosystems in different Agro-ecological Regions of Sri Lanka

Assessment of Spatial Impacts of Climate Change on Geographic, Economic and Social Vulnerability on the Plantation Sector in Sri Lanka

Understanding the long-term influence of Indian Ocean Warm Pool and Indian Ocean Dipole on the monsoon variability of Sri Lanka

Quantification of the response of tropical rain forests of Sri Lanka to varying atmospheric temperature for prediction of the impact of future climate change on their carbon balance and biodiversity

Assessment of vulnerabilities and challenges on Quality of Life (QoL) of national ageing population due to climate change risks

NEWS Updates


or Spare Part Grants for Research Equipment - 2024

To ensure Sri Lanka remains competitive in global science and technology research, it is crucial to establish laboratories with modern infrastructure.

This initiative aims to support universities and R&D institutions by providing funds for the purchase of necessary spare parts for the repair and maintenance of research equipment. By addressing equipment maintenance needs, this scheme facilitates uninterrupted research and experimental developmen. Read More


Calling Applications

for Competitive Research Grants

The National Science Foundation (NSF) supports research and development (R&D) activities of Sri Lankan scientists across all fields of Science and Technology, benefiting the country's society. The Competitive Research Grant Scheme fosters high-quality research to strengthen the research base and promote socioeconomic development of the country. Read More…


Call for Applications

Support Scheme for Publication Fees ( SSPF )

Support Scheme for Publication Fees (SSPF) provides financial support on reimbursement basis for publication of research articles of Sri Lankan authors in high-impact indexed journals. Applications are now open for articles published from January 2023, in journals indexed in Clarivate Analytics Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE- Impact factor above 2.0) or Social Science Citation Index (SSCI- Impact factor above 1.0). Read More …


Call for Expression of Interests (EoIs)

2024 (Support for Technology Development and Start-up Businesses Based on New Technologies)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is mandated to strengthen the National Research, Development and Innovation eco-system in the country to ensure wellbeing of citizens of Sri Lanka. Recognizing the critical role of technology in fueling economic growth and social advancement, one of the key organizational goals in strategic direction is to be the leader in fostering technological innovation. Read More..

Useful Resources